class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # POL 304: Using Data to Understand Politics and Society ] .subtitle[ ## Introduction ] .author[ ### Olga Chyzh [] ] --- ## About me - Associate Professor of Political Science, since Fall 2020 - Previously Associate Professor of Political Science and Statistics at Iowa State University (2015-2020). - My research areas are network analysis, spatial statistics, substantive focus on non-state violent actors - [], --- ## Outline - Objectives, software - Assessments - Getting started --- ## "Tall-Order" Objective - Get introduced to a range of cutting-edge techniques for analyzing political and social data --- ## Objectives - Learn the conceptual basics behind each technique - Understand its applications - Apply to real data - Breadth over depth --- ## Set-up - About 2:1 split of class between teaching:practice - After each class, upload your R script to Quercus to get credit. --- ## Assessments - Participation, discussion of assigned readings --- 20% - 3 assignments (20%, 20%, 30%) - Apply the tools learned in class to your own data. - As we go through applications, start thinking of your own examples --- ## Lectures - Slides, assignments, and all materials are posted on the [course website]( - Start working on the assignments today! --- ## What You Already Know - Have you taken an Intro to Statistics? - Have you used R before? - For more than a year? --- ## Software to Download - [R]( - [RStudio]( --- ## The RStudio IDE <img src="./images/Rstudio.png" width="1400px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />